St. Francis UGANDA
Family Helper Programme
Registered charity
Ireland CHY18409, Uganda S5917/278, UK 1079811
Recognized for tax purposes by Kindermissionswerk of Aachen, Germany;
St. Francis Family Helper Programme is a charity organization registered in Uganda, the UK and Ireland. Our German sponsors are recognized for tax purposes through Kindermissionswerk in Aachen. St. Francis FHP receives patronage and support from the Archbishop of Mbarara and is located on diocesan land on Nyamitanga Hill on the western outskirts of Mbarara (western Uganda).
Launched in 1984 with the Child Sponsorship Project, the organisation has grown over the years with the addition of a Tailoring School in1986 and a Counsellor Training Institute begun in 1999.Services have changed greatly over the years from paying school fees to carrying out a variety of projects with families in rural communities and to offering a number of trainings in areas all related to development.As needs of the family grew so did the response of the organization. We began to develop nutritional, agricultural, and counselling projects, eventually founding the present Counsellor Training Institute in 1998. Since then we have been offering training in counselling and psychosocial skills to communities, counsellors, catechists and development workers, continuously revising and optimizing our training methods. We have been lucky and happy to have been given an opportunity to offer psychosocial trainings in Rwanda, Tanzania, Burundi, DRCongo, and Ethiopia. We hope to be able to give some trainings in South Sudan from which we have received two invitations.
St. Francis was registered as a National Non Governmental Organisation in Uganda in 1990, in the UK (2000) and in Ireland (2009). Kindermissionswerk of Germany gives tax receipts to our German donors.
St. Francis FHP has received financial or other support from sponsors and donor agencies from many countries including Uganda over the years.Volunteers from many countries have been coming to St. Francis FHP to offer services from a few weeks to a few years. For further information see section on volunteerism.
1. Sr. Patricia Pearson DMJ (Representative of Owners: Congregation of Daughters of Mary and Joseph.)
2. Bitarinsha Bruno Chairperson of Board
3. Sr. Ntibarutaye Christine (DMJ) Secretary
4. Kahungu Tibayeita Desdrious (Lawyer)
5. Fr. Richard Kamugisha
6. Mukwasibwe Valerian
7. Tumwesigye Felly
8. Mary Moran
9. Fr. Ferdinand Tillmann
10. Byambwenu Prudence
11. Mugisha K. David
12. Kamushana Robert
The Board of Trustees
Congregation of the Daughters of Mary and Joseph, (Legal Owners of the Organization)
1. Provincial of the Africa Province
2. Regional Bursar of Uganda
3. Chairperson of Board of Directors
4. Director of SFFHP as the de facto Secretary of the Board
5. Director of CTI
Fr. Ferdinand Tillmann
Development Committee
Mobile no: 0772913737
Management Team (In charge of daily running of organisation)
Mukwasibwe Valeriano
Assistant Head of Tailoring School
Lilian Busingye
Head of Child Sponsorship Department
Bernadette Orikiriza
Team Coordinator for Psychosocial Project
Barbara Mukundane
Mary Moran
Director of CTI
Sister Christine Ntibarutaye
Executive Administrator
Jovita Kamujuni
Head of Tailoring School
Barbara Mukundane
Counsellor Training Institute
Mary Moran
Sr.Rosette Kyogabirwe
Clinical Supervisor
Francis Bainomugisha
Assistant Director
Vocational Training Institute
Kamujuni Jovita
Kebirungi Resty
Kyeyune Hassan
Mukwasiibwe Valeriano
Mary Moran
Betty Kyogabirwe (Librarian)
Patrick Enyanygo (Watchman)
Support Staff
Athanasi Kabashekye (driver)
Abel Ntinterwagatsinde (Garden and Shopping)
Child Sponsorship Dept
Kevina Tumuhairwe
St. Francis Family Helper Programme
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